Wednesday, 27 March 2019

Rocks minerals and gems book

Title Rocks minerals and gems book
Author Sean Callery

Illustrator Simon Basher
Image result for rocks minerals and gems book

Friday, 15 March 2019

the mines afire

over 60 people died in the mine but one barely survived the main characters dad Tommy carters dad but he was vomiting blood he had blood all over his shirt and he was injured badly. the question is how did he survive?...

Friday, 8 March 2019

Cupcake Competition


This week we had to decorate some cupcakes for our Family Fiesta.  It is a competition.  The cupcakes will be auctioned off at our school family fiesta tonight.  

I only decorated them. My dad bought them from New World.  My dad made the icing.  My dad put the icing on the muffins/cupcakes.  I put the decorations on.  

The decorations show our school rules like caring.  

I am proud of what I have made!

Friday, 1 March 2019

my goals for 2019

get ten gms stars.

try to get another principals award.

try to 3 more perk cards this year.